Rauthenstrauch – Kunst zu fühlen  
Past exhibitions

Art on the head!
Art to use







Time has always fascinated me. What is time, really, how is it lived and experienced? Was time felt differently in times past? How do people feel the time in which they live? Are feelings, fear, joy, subject to Zeitgeist or culture?

Did the Rixdorfers of old feel differently from us Neuköllners today?

Memories of what I've read, observed and lived through myself have inspired objects and installations in this exhibition. Even what's flitted through my dreams: shadow animals!

Felt, fibres and found objects have been joined to form "soft memories", fragments of the time which we have in common with people from long ago.

Time Warp


Mein Kind, du kennst mich aus dem Traum, 
mein Raum, durch den ich dich begleite.
Dort trage ich dich lautlos durch die Weite, 
so licht und weich, du fühlst mein Knurren kaum. 

Im Schattenreich bewahrt meine Gestalt 
Erinnerung an rotgefärbte Klage. 
Die Energie der Kräfte grauer Tage 
wärmt mich und dich und schützt dich vor Gewalt. 

Ulrike Rauthenstrauch           
You are invited and encouraged to look, touch, listen and play! Thoughts and conversations on time are encouraged, as well as purchases of larger and smaller works. In particular, many shadow animals, human shadows and colourful puzzle animals look forward to animal and shadow lovers.