Past exhibitions
Art on the head!
Art to use
to feel
For me, wool is a wonderfully
expressive material. It is
pliable, touchable and it carries warmth and memory naturally. To
reinforce the effect, it can be combined with other fibres, with paper,
metal, wood, found bits can be integrated into a felted piece. The
titles of exhibitions during the years she has lived in Berlin stirs
her: feeling, memory, time, places, play. This must be due in part to
her biography, experiences from a life in motion, geographically and
professionally, with a love for people, history, animals, words and far
away places.
Exhibitions from 2002
Gefühlswelt (world of feeling) Berlin-Kreuzberg 2002
Gefühl ist alles. (a quote from Goethe: Feeling is everything) Museum Soltau (Lower Saxony) 2003
Von Zeit zu Zeit (from time to time) Museum Goslar (Lower Saxony) 2004
Gefühl ist alles
Polnisches Haus, Berlin 2005
with Ewa Nagorska
Alles ist im Fluss (everything is in flux) 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin 2006 with Ute Siebert
Alles fließt (panda rei, all flows) Galerie auf Zeit, Cottbus (Brandenburg) 2006
Behausungen (shelters) Gerichtshöfe, Berlin 2006 with Lizzy Mayrl and Ute Siebert
Winterspiel (winter game) Kaspar-Hauser-Zentrum, Berlin 2007 with Ute Siebert
Ist mir das Hemd näher als der Rock?
(Is the shirt closer than the jacket?)
48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin 2007
Erbgut (inheritance/genes) Law offices Raumerstraße, Berlin 2007
Päckchen für Kirgistan (package to Kyrgystan) Museum Bishkek, Kyrgistan, 2008
galerie malerei &graphik, Berlin 2008
group exhibition
UnOrt (no place) 48 Stunden Neukölln, Berlin 2008
Gefühlte Temperatur (felt temperature) Kreishaus Goslar (Lower Saxony) 2008 Group exhibition
Time Warp *
48 hours
Neukölln, Berlin 2010
* Please click